Brock Mova

Brock Mova

Proud beeraholic. Proud music fanatic. Subtly charming food evangelist. Avid twitter fan. Avid travel fan. Unapologetic food practitioner.

101 Posts Written
Why self-care is important to your personal and professional well-being?

Why self-care is important to your personal and professional well-being?

Self-care means taking the time to do things that help you live well and improve your physical and mental health. When it ...

What are the 8 part of wellness?

What are the 8 part of wellness?

Wellness is a very broad term and the way we think about well-being is affected by our culture and our life experiences....

The Benefits of Wellness: Why It's Important for Your Health and How to Achieve It

The Benefits of Wellness: Why It's Important for Your Health and How to Achieve It

Wellness is a practice of healthy habits that is essential for achieving better physical and mental health outcomes. It...

What are 10 ways to take care of yourself?

What are 10 ways to take care of yourself?

Here are more than 10 ways to take care of yourself every day. Exercise your body for a happy mind.

The Link between Diet and Mental Well-Being

The Link between Diet and Mental Well-Being

When you consume a diet full of nutrient-dense foods, you are setting yourself up for fewer mood swings and improved...

What is the relationship between health and spirituality?

What is the relationship between health and spirituality?

Some research shows a connection between your beliefs and your sense of well-being. The positive beliefs, comfort, and...

Achieving Balance and Growth in the Seven Dimensions of Well-Being

Achieving Balance and Growth in the Seven Dimensions of Well-Being

Well-being is a holistic concept that goes beyond physical health. It is a pursuit of continuous growth and balance in...

The Impact of Sleep on Physical Wellness: A Comprehensive Guide

The Impact of Sleep on Physical Wellness: A Comprehensive Guide

Sleep is an essential part of physical wellness. Studies have shown that inadequate sleep can increase the risk of...

What activities help with emotional wellness?

What activities help with emotional wellness?

Mindfulness, meditation, yoga, or tai chi can help you relax. Deep breathing and progressive muscle relaxation can also...

What are 3 activities for physical health?

What are 3 activities for physical health?

Walking, running, dancing, swimming, yoga and working in the garden are some examples of physical activity. While any...

What are 5 ways you can be spiritually healthy?

What are 5 ways you can be spiritually healthy?

According to a Gallup study, 43% of Americans say they belong to a church or other religious body. Talk to a chaplain or...

How does nutrition affect overall wellness?

How does nutrition affect overall wellness?

The nutrients you need to grow and repair help you stay strong and healthy and help prevent diet-related diseases, such...

9 Strategies to Improve Your Emotional Well-Being

9 Strategies to Improve Your Emotional Well-Being

Making time for yourself is essential for emotional wellness. Taking a few moments to look at problems from different...

Where did the 8 dimensions of wellness come from?

Where did the 8 dimensions of wellness come from?

The eight dimensions of well-being were developed by Dr. Environmental Good Health by occupying pleasant and stimulating...

The Link Between Diet and Mental Well-Being: How Food Affects Our Mood

The Link Between Diet and Mental Well-Being: How Food Affects Our Mood

It's no secret that a healthy, balanced diet is essential for physical health, but did you know that it can also have a...

What are 3 ways to promote physical health?

What are 3 ways to promote physical health?

Take the stairs and add walking breaks to your day, get enough sleep and limit alcohol consumption. Alcohol is high in...

Achieving Balance and Growth: 7 Dimensions of Well-Being

Achieving Balance and Growth: 7 Dimensions of Well-Being

Well-being is a holistic concept that goes beyond physical health. It is the pursuit of continuous growth and balance in...

What is the physical dimension of wellness?

What is the physical dimension of wellness?

Physical Dimension Physical well-being is one of the eight dimensions that contribute to overall health and well-being....

What are the 5 dimensions of physical wellness?

What are the 5 dimensions of physical wellness?

For it to be considered well, it is imperative that none of these areas be neglected. Spiritual well-being is about...

The Benefits of Physical Activity for Mental and Physical Well-Being

The Benefits of Physical Activity for Mental and Physical Well-Being

Being physically active can have a profound effect on your mental and physical health. It can improve brain health, help...

What is the social element of wellness?

What is the social element of wellness?

Social welfare focuses on building and fostering meaningful and supportive relationships with individuals, groups, and...

What is physical wellness examples?

What is physical wellness examples?

Physical well-being is about recognizing the need for physical activity, healthy food and sleep, as well as preventing...

Why is social important to overall wellness?

Why is social important to overall wellness?

The reason why social well-being is so important is that people who have healthy relationships and a strong social...

Achieving Holistic Wellness: An Expert's Guide to the 8 Dimensions of Health and Happiness

Achieving Holistic Wellness: An Expert's Guide to the 8 Dimensions of Health and Happiness

Well-being is a comprehensive integration of physical, mental, and spiritual health that nourishes the body, engages the...

What are some good spiritual practices?

What are some good spiritual practices?

Praying more, meditating more, attending meetings of like-minded believers more often, and joining a prayer or meditation ...

Why is the physical dimension of wellness important?

Why is the physical dimension of wellness important?

Physical well-being encompasses a variety of healthy behaviors, such as adequate exercise, proper nutrition, and...

How do you prioritise wellbeing in the workplace?

How do you prioritise wellbeing in the workplace?

How to prioritize mental health in the workplace How to prioritize mental health, start the conversation, create internal ...

What top 3 spiritual self-care practices are you drawn to?

What top 3 spiritual self-care practices are you drawn to?

In general, a good practice is to maintain a good, uncluttered space around you. You're constantly exchanging energy and...

Achieving Balance in Life: A Comprehensive Guide to the 8 Dimensions of Wellness

Achieving Balance in Life: A Comprehensive Guide to the 8 Dimensions of Wellness

Wellness is a concept that is often misunderstood and can mean different things to different people. But, at its core,...

What is emotional intelligence explain its characteristics?

What is emotional intelligence explain its characteristics?

Emotional intelligence (EQ) is the ability to identify and manage your emotions, as well as the emotions of other people. ...

What is wellness in physical activity?

What is wellness in physical activity?

Physical well-being is about doing what you can to help strengthen and care for your body. Taking steps before, during,...

How will you prioritise your own wellbeing?

How will you prioritise your own wellbeing?

Practice self-care Stay physically active, choose healthy foods, and get enough sleep. These healthy habits will help...

The Connection Between Emotional and Spiritual Wellness: Achieving Balance for Optimal Health

The Connection Between Emotional and Spiritual Wellness: Achieving Balance for Optimal Health

Spiritual well-being is an essential part of overall health and involves recognizing that there is something greater than ...

The Impact of Stress on Your Wellness: How to Manage It

The Impact of Stress on Your Wellness: How to Manage It

Stress is an unavoidable part of life, but when it becomes chronic, it can have a serious impact on your overall...

The Link Between Sleep and Mental Well-Being

The Link Between Sleep and Mental Well-Being

It is now widely accepted that sleep is a fundamental requirement for both physical and mental health. Studies have...

Why Wellness is Essential for Optimal Health and Happiness

Why Wellness is Essential for Optimal Health and Happiness

General physical well-being is essential for people to achieve a balance between physical activity, nutrition, and mental ...

Activities to Promote Spiritual Well-Being

Activities to Promote Spiritual Well-Being

Practicing spiritual well-being is an essential part of holistic health. It can be achieved in a variety of ways, both...

What are the 5 characteristics of emotional intelligence explain?

What are the 5 characteristics of emotional intelligence explain?

Emotional intelligence in leadership is comprised of empathy, social skills, self-awareness, self-regulation and...

What is the difference between social and emotional health?

What is the difference between social and emotional health?

Social needs focus on a person's belonging and the need to connect with other people and create links with them. Finally, ...

How does spiritual health affect depression?

How does spiritual health affect depression?

While there is no consensual list of signs of spiritual depression, people who suffer from spiritual depression often say ...

The Power of Spiritual Well-Being for Mental Health and Quality of Life

The Power of Spiritual Well-Being for Mental Health and Quality of Life

Spirituality is an essential element of overall health and well-being, and has been linked to improved mental health,...

What are the 5 essential tools for emotionally intelligent leader?

What are the 5 essential tools for emotionally intelligent leader?

It doesn't take much to familiarize yourself with the skills that make up EQ. Daniel Goleman's 1995 book “Emotional...

5 Ways to Improve Your Emotional Well-Being and Health

5 Ways to Improve Your Emotional Well-Being and Health

Nowadays, it is essential to take care of our emotional well-being and health. Without emotional health, a wide variety...

How does sleep affect emotional wellness?

How does sleep affect emotional wellness?

Studies show that sleep-deprived people report an increase in negative moods (anger, frustration, irritability, sadness)...

9 Strategies to Improve Your Emotional Health and Wellbeing

9 Strategies to Improve Your Emotional Health and Wellbeing

It's no secret that emotional health is an important part of overall wellbeing. But what exactly is emotional health and...

5 Aspects of Emotional Health: A Guide to Self-Awareness and Interpersonal Skills

5 Aspects of Emotional Health: A Guide to Self-Awareness and Interpersonal Skills

Gaining a high level of emotional intelligence starts with understanding and knowing yourself. Self-awareness is the key...

The Interconnected Relationship between Sleep and Mental Well-Being

The Interconnected Relationship between Sleep and Mental Well-Being

Sleep is an essential part of our overall health and wellbeing, and its importance for mental health is often overlooked. ...

How social interaction and social relationship affect the daily living of an individual?

How social interaction and social relationship affect the daily living of an individual?

They provide us with a sense of connection, purpose, support, and ultimately, better overall health and longevity. Dozens ...

Maintaining Your Emotional Wellness: Strategies to Stay Resilient and Thrive

Maintaining Your Emotional Wellness: Strategies to Stay Resilient and Thrive

For many of us, it's easier to be kind to others than to be kind to ourselves. We often set high expectations for...

Understanding the 6 Dimensions of Well-Being: A Guide to Holistic Health

Understanding the 6 Dimensions of Well-Being: A Guide to Holistic Health

Understanding the six dimensions of well-being is essential for living a healthy and balanced life. It helps people...

What are the 5 concepts of emotional intelligence?

What are the 5 concepts of emotional intelligence?

Self-awareness is about recognizing and understanding your emotions (what you're feeling and why), as well as...

The Link Between Nutrition, Health and Well-Being

The Link Between Nutrition, Health and Well-Being

The answer to the question of what is the relationship between nutrition, health and well-being is straightforward:...

What is the relationship between physical health and physical fitness?

What is the relationship between physical health and physical fitness?

Physical activity in adults is associated with a lower risk of obesity, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure,...

The Essential Role of Sleep in Wellness

The Essential Role of Sleep in Wellness

Getting enough sleep over time is essential for good health. It can have a major impact on the way you think, act, work,...

Achieving Optimal Health and Balance Through the 8 Dimensions of Well-Being

Achieving Optimal Health and Balance Through the 8 Dimensions of Well-Being

When it comes to health, physical well-being is often the first thing that comes to mind. It involves having a healthy...

What is social in physical health?

What is social in physical health?

Strong interpersonal relationships and a strong support system indicate good social health. Good social health...

5 Essential Aspects of Spiritual Wellness: A Guide to Improving Your Spiritual Health

5 Essential Aspects of Spiritual Wellness: A Guide to Improving Your Spiritual Health

The human spirit is an integral part of our being, yet it is often the most neglected. Just as we exercise to condition...

The 8 Essential Components of Optimal Wellness

The 8 Essential Components of Optimal Wellness

Achieving optimal wellness is an important part of leading a healthy lifestyle. It involves taking care of all aspects of ...

What is the relationship between diet and spiritual wellness?

What is the relationship between diet and spiritual wellness?

Inner peace is essential for dealing with external problems. When you have mental and spiritual clarity, you can grasp...

What can damage spiritual health?

What can damage spiritual health?

The tyranny of the urgent · 2.A Lack of routine · 3.This is the question we posed to 12 BAM practitioners. We asked...

Achieving Holistic Well-Being: A Comprehensive Guide

Achieving Holistic Well-Being: A Comprehensive Guide

People often think of well-being in terms of physical health, nutrition, exercise, and weight management. However,...

Why are the dimensions of wellness important?

Why are the dimensions of wellness important?

Each dimension contributes to our own sense of well-being or quality of life, and each one affects and overlaps the...

The Benefits of Self-Care and Wellness: Achieving Optimal Health and Well-Being

The Benefits of Self-Care and Wellness: Achieving Optimal Health and Well-Being

Self-care is an ongoing effort to address our needs in ways that may seem mundane, but can also be a lot of fun and...

How is health and wellness affected by stress by sleep deprivation?

How is health and wellness affected by stress by sleep deprivation?

Research shows that lack of sleep increases the risk of obesity, heart disease and infections. Research funded by the...

The Benefits of Social Connections for Health and Well-Being

The Benefits of Social Connections for Health and Well-Being

Social connections are essential for our overall health and well-being. Extensive research has demonstrated that strong...

What is emotional intelligence at the workplace 5 main points?

What is emotional intelligence at the workplace 5 main points?

Intrinsic motivation also plays a key role in emotional intelligence. Emotionally intelligent people are motivated by...

8 Dimensions of Well-Being: A Comprehensive Guide to Enhancing Your Quality of Life

8 Dimensions of Well-Being: A Comprehensive Guide to Enhancing Your Quality of Life

Health Promotion and Wellness, along with many other campus offices, encourages and supports Northwestern students to...

Boost Your Emotional Health: Activities to Enhance Well-Being

Boost Your Emotional Health: Activities to Enhance Well-Being

Having a strong social support system, setting priorities, and practicing mindfulness are all effective ways to enhance...

3 Essential Aspects of Well-Being

3 Essential Aspects of Well-Being

Wellness is a holistic concept that encompasses physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. It is a conscious,...

What are the 4 quadrants of goal setting?

What are the 4 quadrants of goal setting?

The four-quadrant method seeks to provide a visual design of the possible outcomes of a goal we contemplate undertaking....

What are the core competencies of spiritual wellness?

What are the core competencies of spiritual wellness?

The core elements of spirituality are connection, peace, and purpose. The connection element refers to an individual's...

What are the dimensions and importance of health and wellness?

What are the dimensions and importance of health and wellness?

Well-being is generally considered to have seven dimensions. Each dimension contributes to our own sense of well-being or ...

How does lack of sleep affect emotional awareness?

How does lack of sleep affect emotional awareness?

Studies show that sleep-deprived people report an increase in negative moods (anger, frustration, irritability, sadness)...

Can stress affect spiritual wellness?

Can stress affect spiritual wellness?

Not managing stress can cause us to feel overwhelmed and fatigued and contribute to chronic health problems. Stress...

Achieving Spiritual Well-Being: A Comprehensive Guide to Finding Inner Peace

Achieving Spiritual Well-Being: A Comprehensive Guide to Finding Inner Peace

Spiritual well-being is a concept that has been around for centuries, and it is defined as expanding the sense of purpose ...

The Impact of Sleep on Spiritual Well-Being

The Impact of Sleep on Spiritual Well-Being

Spiritual well-being is an integral part of overall health and has a direct effect on the quality of sleep and general...

The Environment and Human Wellbeing: Why It Matters

The Environment and Human Wellbeing: Why It Matters

The environment is a major factor in our health and well-being. From the air we breathe to the water we drink, the...

The Power of Sleep: How It Impacts Your Health and Well-Being

The Power of Sleep: How It Impacts Your Health and Well-Being

Sleep is an essential part of life that has a profound effect on our physical and mental health. Research has shown that...

What are the components of health?

What are the components of health?

For it to be considered well, it is imperative that none of these areas be neglected. It seems to me that there are six...

What is the relationship between exercise and mental health in college students?

What is the relationship between exercise and mental health in college students?

The greater your total physical activity, the better your mental health scores will be. In other words, to control...

Why Prioritizing Wellness is Essential for Achieving Success

Why Prioritizing Wellness is Essential for Achieving Success

If you don't make well-being a priority, you're more likely to experience exhaustion, stress, fatigue and overwhelm,...

Why is sleep so vital to development?

Why is sleep so vital to development?

Sleep is the time to restore itself and for children's bodies to recharge and retain the information they have learned...

How are self-care and wellness related?

How are self-care and wellness related?

Taking care of yourself means taking the time you need to do things that help you live well and improve your physical and ...

What are the 7 types of self-care?

What are the 7 types of self-care?

The following are the most common types of personal care: Emotional personal care. Processing emotions can be difficult.

The Benefits of Physical Wellness: A Comprehensive Guide

The Benefits of Physical Wellness: A Comprehensive Guide

Physical wellness is an essential part of leading a healthy lifestyle. It involves recognizing the need for physical...

5 Ways to Promote Physical Wellness for a Healthy and Balanced Life

5 Ways to Promote Physical Wellness for a Healthy and Balanced Life

Physical wellness is essential for health and happiness. Taking the right steps to promote physical wellness can help you ...

Achieving Optimal Health and Wellness: Exploring the Six Dimensions of Well-Being

Achieving Optimal Health and Wellness: Exploring the Six Dimensions of Well-Being

When it comes to health and wellbeing, physical well-being is often the first thing that comes to mind. This includes...

The Impact of Stress on Mental and Emotional Well-Being

The Impact of Stress on Mental and Emotional Well-Being

Sometimes, stress can have a detrimental effect on the basic components of mental health (your thoughts, emotions,...

Spirituality vs Emotional Health: What's the Difference?

Spirituality vs Emotional Health: What's the Difference?

Emotional health and spiritual health are two distinct types of behavioral and mental changes in men. Emotions are...

What are the aspects of physical wellness?

What are the aspects of physical wellness?

Physical well-being encompasses a variety of healthy behaviors, such as adequate exercise, proper nutrition, and...

Achieving Spiritual Health: How to Connect with Your Higher Power

Achieving Spiritual Health: How to Connect with Your Higher Power

Spirituality is an integral part of life that can help us to achieve a sense of balance and peace. Spiritual health is a...

What are the major challenges to your spirituality?

What are the major challenges to your spirituality?

Respondents noted that temptations were most powerful when they had neglected their time with God (81 percent) and when...

What is the relationship between self-care and wellbeing?

What is the relationship between self-care and wellbeing?

This is because participating in self-care activities involves a certain level of health awareness, which facilitates the ...

What is the role of religion and spirituality?

What is the role of religion and spirituality?

Religion serves the important purpose of facilitating spirituality in and of itself, but it also fulfills other...

Achieving Holistic Health: Exploring the 6 Dimensions of Well-Being

Achieving Holistic Health: Exploring the 6 Dimensions of Well-Being

Achieving holistic health is a journey that requires us to explore the six dimensions of well-being in our lives. This...

How does spirituality relate to stress?

How does spirituality relate to stress?

Spirituality helps to increase the meaning of life. Life is full of ups and downs, sunny and rainy days.

What are 8 ways to improve and maintain good emotional health?

What are 8 ways to improve and maintain good emotional health?

Don't be ashamed to ask for help. Volunteering in the community benefits everyone.

What are the 4 quadrants of health and wellness?

What are the 4 quadrants of health and wellness?

These quadrants differ in vibrational frequency and most people focus only on the physical. To have balance in your life, ...

What is the role of religion and spirituality in mental health?

What is the role of religion and spirituality in mental health?

Both religion and spirituality can have a positive impact on mental health. In a way, they have the same impact.

What is the relationship between exercise and physical wellness?

What is the relationship between exercise and physical wellness?

Improves your cardiovascular health and overall physical health. This is important because people with mental health...