What are 8 ways to improve and maintain good emotional health?

Don't be ashamed to ask for help. Volunteering in the community benefits everyone.

What are 8 ways to improve and maintain good emotional health?

Don't be ashamed to ask for help. Volunteering in the community benefits everyone. At the same time that you're helping those in need, you're improving your mental health. The social aspect of volunteering connects you to other people and helps combat depression.

Studies show that volunteering can reduce stress, anxiety and anger, while increasing self-confidence. As an added benefit, most volunteer opportunities require stress-relieving exercises. Not sure where to start? Fortunately, the Internet has made it easy to find volunteer opportunities, no matter where you live. We've already talked about how daily exercise can help improve mood, drive away stress and help you relax.

NIH scientists study how physical illness, mental health conditions, caregiving, sleep, and stress affect health and emotional well-being. Emotional well-being is the ability to successfully manage the stresses of life and adapt to changes and difficult times. According to experts, people who are well emotionally have fewer negative emotions and can recover from difficulties faster. Studies show that keeping a gratitude journal reduces stress, increases relaxation and encourages a more positive outlook on life.

From anxiety and depression to the challenges of substance abuse, Davis Behavioral Health is here to help you improve your mental health.